Teaching Philosophy

In both my teaching and speaking engagements, my primary focus lies in entrepreneurship and strategic management. My goal is to develop captivating and interactive lessons by integrating research-based content with hands-on challenges and relevant case studies. I believe that adopting this approach equips individuals with the necessary skills to excel in their professional lives.

My enthusiasm for teaching entrepreneurship stems from my personal experiences in the field. By marrying the practical insights I’ve gained as a business owner with cutting-edge research on entrepreneurial strategy, I strive to deliver maximum value to students who are pursuing their own entrepreneurial ventures.

Courses and Evaluation

Small and Family Business Management

ENT4934 – Spring 2022

Evaluation (4.93 out of 5)

Small and Family Business Management

ENT4934 – Fall 2021

Evaluation (4.82 out of 5)

Strategic Management PhD Student Teaching Award

MAN4723 – Spring 2021

Evaluation (4.89 out of 5)

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